If it’s about Water, it’s at InNow . World's Leading Water Treatment Technologies under one roof ! Contact us to know more .

WAHE: Water for Health Water Purifier for your Home
A Unique Water Disinfection Technique that uses the Electrolytic Breakdown of water to instantly destroy all water-borne micro-organisms, bacteria and viruses including micro-flora.
We have Indianized Hydro-dis to meet both Industrial and Domestic needs. Hydro-dis for domestic applications is called WAHE : Water For Health.
What Customers Say About Us
“We have been so impressed with the quality of the water and the service that we had. I highly recommend Innow India for water purification for Kitchen Use.”
“I will be recommending this company not just because of the friendly helpful service, but also because of the quality products and reasonable prices.”
More and more people chose us for their water and waste water management needs
When it comes to providing pure water for your family, nothing but the best will be done.
Ready To Use Activated Enzyme for Waste Water
Ready to use activated Enzyme for Waste Water
How InNow Finds Best Technologies Across the Globe ?
We continuously interact and exchange ideas with water experts from across the globe to get their valuable input for addressing water scarcity in India. Please Check FAQ's for more info .
How InNow Finds Best Technologies Across the Globe ?
- We Invest time in Identifying the Root cause of the problem and developing perfect solution .
- We Believe in transparent & ethical Work that earns long term results
- We are Meticulous in our Approach and Constantly explore new technologies which are cost effective and Easy to maintain
- We Make Sure to comply with Regular Standards
- We are continuously striving to leave better environment for future generations
How can I tell if there are contaminants in my water?
A basic water test from InNow is free and as easy as scheduling an appointment with our agent online . Please Fill in the Form to continue .
When and why should I test my water?
Test water every year for total coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids and pH levels, especially if you have a new well, or have replaced or repaired pipes, pumps or the well casing.
Why you should not drink RO Water?
One of the major disadvantages of RO systems for the home is that they remove most of the minerals from the water leaving it with an acidic pH. Also, during the purification process, up to 4L of water is flushed down the drain for every 1L of filtered water produced.